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Crocotta: Queen of the Gods

Within the Theriomorph pantheon, there are several very powerful goddesses. Crocotta is no exception. As the mate of Giahem, ruler of the deities, she is queen of the gods. However, she is also the goddess of mothers, wives, prophecy, and mating rights.

One noteworthy inspiration for Crocotta is found in Greco-Roman religion. Hera (Roman equivalent: Juno) is the wife of their divine king, Zeus (Jupiter). She is also the goddess of marriages and women. In mythology, Hera repeatedly punishes the illegitimate offspring of her husband’s infidelities. Case in point, she causes Heracles (Hercules)—the son of Zeus and a mortal woman—to go temporarily mad. Only after he kills his wife and sons, does Heracles regain his sanity and seek to atone for his heinous deeds. Thus begins his famed journey and successful undertaking of twelve labors, which spreads his own notoriety and fame.

For this and numerous other examples, Hera (Juno) was worshiped by women who wanted to ensure a protected marriage. Yet strangely enough, whenever Hera (Juno) tried to destroy an offspring of Zeus (Jupiter), she triggered the very actions that caused them to become great heroes which were celebrated for centuries. This concept is mirrored by Crocotta who repeatedly attacks and undermines Issaura, the bastard daughter of Crocotta’s own mate. Also, both Hera (Juno) and Crocotta exact revenge on the lovers of their true partners be it Europa, Io, Leto, or Issaura’s mother, Nott.

Another major mother goddess is found in Egypt. Isis is the wife of Osiris, the first mythological pharaoh, and mother to the god Horus who ascends the throne after his father’s death. Isis has so great a love for her partner that, after he was murdered, she and her sister collect his scattered body parts and, through the work of magic, bring Osiris back to “life” so that he can rule over the underworld.

Like Isis, Crocotta is deemed the mother goddess for her extreme maternal instincts and protection of her son Ullr. She is also obsessed with her mated partner, Giahem, and fiercely protects her bond whenever he strays.

In Nordic myth, the wife of the king of the gods is Frigg. Though not often talked about, this goddess is revered for her foreknowledge. The idea of a prophetic goddess is influenced, in part, by her.

As for the selection of Crocotta’s dual form, the hyena was chosen because hyenas are matriarchal animals. What better choice for the queen of the gods than a beast that exemplifies extreme female power. In the wild, not only are spotted hyena females larger than males but also their family groups are ruled over by the dominate female. Males are considered lesser to the females in the group. Observe the pecking order during meals; adult males are last to feed. Clearly, these behaviors differ from the more commonly recognized animal constructs but work perfectly for the goddess of women.

All in all, Crocotta is a very powerful goddess, one who will not allow herself or those whom she protects to be double-crossed. She is also a strong, charismatic antagonist who opposes the goddess Issaura due to the younger goddess’s lineage. With the gift of prophecy, Crocotta is not afraid of altering the future to benefit herself. For better or worse, fate is in her unforgiving hands.

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