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A Glimpse Into Adventure

1) What is your Author name; use your Pen name if you have one.

Alexis Anicque

2) What inspired you to become a writer?

I love to tell stories.

3) How far along are you on your current work-in-progress?

Final stage to publishing, in pre-order August 9th for my 9th book. The 10th will be out in the next 60 days.

4) Which character of yours is your favorite and why?

Famous, because she is adventurous

5) How did you come up with your cover design?

My graphic designer took my thoughts and created a better vision.

6) What is the most difficult challenges you face in the writing process?

Being disciplined, I often will procrastinate when I am nearly finished with a project.

7) What is the most important bit of information you would want to tell a person interested in publishing a book?

Study marketing and never give up.

8) Who did you dedicate your first book to and why?

My husband, for all the support and love he has given me through the process.

9) Pick five books that are must-reads in your mind.

Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis

Dirk Pitt Novels by Clive Cussler

Liberty Falls books by Sarah Jacobson

Shedding C C Miller

Jack “Rat” Fink by Jerry Hack

10) What is your favorite character from any book you have ever read?

I don’t really have a favorite in mind.

11) If you had to write in any other genre, what would that be and why?

I actually do write in multiple genres, I have an autobiographical non fiction series about my husband and myself. The first one “Jump Before You Fall” is out and about us moving onto a sailboat. The second one comes out soon.

12) Name one of your favorite authors.

Sarah Jacobson

13) What is the name of your book/series? Tell me a little bit about them.

Famous Adventure Series

Finding Famous

Famous Destiny

A Famous Christmas Memory

Led by Her mother's magical journal to find where her mother found her. Famous finds herself on a heartfelt journey with a bit of magic, a monster in the forest, ghosts, and a cursed princess that she must free, to uncover her true heritage. A wonderful tale with a strong mother, daughter bond.

14) Do you have a website? If so, what is it?

15) Where can we find and follow you? (Name your social media platforms.)


First chapter on YouTube:

16) If there anything important that you would want my readers to know about you?

I am always seeking adventure and try to give my readers a glimpse of those adventures.


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