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A Modern Saga Inspired by the Ancients

1)       Hi! Why don’t you introduce yourself? You can use your pen name if you prefer.


Robert Winter

2)       What Genre(s) do you write?


Epic Fantasy


3)       I love that! What is your book’s one sentence pitch?

An elf afraid of opening his heart, and a human who is heir to an awesome power: Only by embracing their shared destiny can they save Iceland…and each other.


4)       Can you tell me a little more about your book(s)?


In modern-day Iceland, a place of glaciers, volcanoes, and legends, the Norns have foretold a sorcerous invasion that could destroy everything.

Magnús, an elf of the huldufólk, is driven by the murder of his human lover a century ago to save those humans he can, and to figure out what is behind recent troll attacks on tourists. But the Norns have spoken. He must protect Altair, a young human from Boston, who is bringing a dangerous magical force to Iceland. If Magnús fails to keep Altair safe, the country will fall to a sorcerer called the Black Priest. Yet if Altair lives, Magnús will meet his doom.

For his part, Altair is a graduate student bullied to visit Iceland by mentors who seem to have their own agenda. He knows nothing of elves, sorcerers or prophecies. Suddenly, the handsome, mysterious Magnús is guiding Altair around Reykjavik and into danger. A witch, a berserker, and more elves are along for the quest across Iceland’s forbidding landscape. And why does everyone keeps calling Altair “the Falcon”?

An elf and a human with a shared destiny. Will they solve the mystery linking their fates before it is too late for all Iceland?

5)       Fantastic! I know you wanted to talk about a related topic that pertains to your book. I can’t wait to hear it.


The title to Falconsaga was inspired by my interest in the sagas. The sagas about Iceland were mainly written down in Iceland, beginning in the thirteenth century. In prose form, they tell of the settlement of Iceland by Norwegians in the 870s, of various families and their feuds, of the conversion of the country to Christianity in the year 1000, and so on. Many of the oldest sagas were apparently oral histories passed down from generation to generation, until historians like Snorri Sturluson decided the stories needed to be preserved.


There are many Icelandic sagas. I admit I have only dipped my toe in these waters, but the one I find really interesting is called Egils Saga. Egill Skallagrímsson lived a long life in Borgarnes, not far north of Reykjavik. There you can find monuments and mementos to Egill, and even a museum that tells a highly abbreviated version of the saga.

As the story goes, Egill’s grandfather Kvelduf had definite werewolf-like tendencies. Kvelduf’s son was Skallagrím, and he settled a farm in what is now Borgarnes.


Skallagrím also apparently inherited some if his father’s lycanthropic tendencies, because he was known to get especially mean and ornery as night fell. In fact, when his son Egill was twelve, Skallagrím murdered Egill’s playmate when they were outside after dark. A short while late, Egill (who was twelve, remember) killed Skallagrím’s steward in revenge. That wasn’t even Egill’s first murder; when he was seven, he killed an older boy because he was losing a game. What a bad sport!


Egils Saga goes on to tell of Egill’s brooding tendencies, his poetry, his feud with the king of Norway and his queen, who was also a witch. The most interesting aspect of Egils Saga, to me, is that it is a mixture of well-documented historical personages (Skallagrím is buried in Borgarnes, the boundaries of Egill’s farm are known, and so forth), and legends of werewolves, witches, and runic magic. How can you not love a country that educates its children using the sagas, as Iceland does? And how could I resist dropping my characters into Borgarnes to visit Skallagrím’s marker?

I hope you will read Falconsaga and see what other legends from the Icelandic sagas I have dropped in.


6)       As an author of a dark retelling based on Nordic myth, I also have an interest in the Icelandic Sagas. I even have Egil's Saga on my shelf! Now back to you, can you now tell me a little more about yourself?

Robert Winter is a recovering lawyer who likes writing about love and adventure much more than drafting a legal brief. Once upon a time, he went to Georgetown University law school. Upon graduation, he moved to New York to work in a large law firm, but later returned to Washington, DC. The legal work was entertaining and Robert spent a lot of time in bankruptcy court, usually representing either groups of creditor or the debtors themselves. But legal work didn’t satisfy the urge Robert felt to tell stories.

When he turned 50, Robert left behind the (allegedly) glamorous world of international law firms and bankruptcy court to pursue his real passion. Now he lives in Montreal with his husband, studying French between trips to exotic locations.

When Robert isn’t writing, he loves to cook Indian food. The aromas of the spice blends excite and challenge him. Although he’s never been to India, the food seems comforting and home-like. Add a trip to the Golden Triangle to the bucket list!

7)       Do you have a website? If so, what is it?



8)       Lastly, where else can we find and follow you?




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