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Getting to Know Nina R. Schluntz

1) Hi there! What is your Author name; use your Pen name if you have one.

Nina R Schluntz

2) What is your genre and what drew you to it?

I write in a lot of genres. Kidnapped Killer is a dark romance and a thriller.

3) Which character of yours is your favorite and why?

I don’t pick favorites!

4) Which character of yours was the most challenging to write and why?

Sticking to this book, I would say it’s the friends Nic has. I didn’t want them to come across as filler characters, even though they are. I wanted them to have some personality.

5) Do you attend or participate in Cons or literary fests? If so, which ones?

I have been to some cons in the Georgia and Florida area, but I am not popular enough to have my own booth.

6) Was there a pivotal point or experience that impacted your decision to take writing seriously?

Nope, it’s always been natural, and I knew I wanted to tell stories.

7) What is the most important bit of information you would want to tell a person interested in publishing a book?

Keep practicing and don’t rush into publication.

8) How many books do you try to read each year?

I don’t keep a number in mind, nor could I tell you how many I’ve read in a year. If I like a book, I’ll usually finish in a day or two.

9) Name one book that you have reread several times.

Jurassic Park. I loved it when it came out, even though it was too scary for me. I have reread it a lot.

10) Do you prefer to read series or independent novels?

Either is fine, but if the series starts to repeat a lot, I’ll usually stop.

11) Do you own any interesting ‘bookish’ memorabilia or clothes? If so, what?

I recently went to Universal and bought a bunch of Harry Potter wands, does that count?

12) What is the name of your book/series? Tell me a little bit about them.

Kidnapped Killer is the first book.

Nic is demon who feeds on souls. He prefers the souls flavored with emotion, pain or fear works well.

When his stalker drugs and kidnaps him, he discovers a new flavor of soul.


The affection is additive, even if it is from a psychopathic serial killer who wants to add him to the dozens of bodies already buried in his basement.

The next book is Kidnapped Clowder, and the serial killer begins collecting cats instead of people.

13) Do you have a website? If so, what is it? Where can we find and follow you? (Name your social media platforms.)

Romance Writers' Website:

14) If there anything important that you would want my readers to know about you?

I promise, unlike my characters, I do not murder people.

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