Nordic-inspired Fantasy

1) What is your Author name; use your Pen name if you have one.
Heather McCorkle
2) What is the best time of day for you to write?
I write at all times of the day whenever I can steal a moment.
3) Which character of yours is your favorite and why?
That is so hard! I’d have to say Gripp the raven because he is quirky, flawed, and funny.
4) Which character of yours was the most challenging to write and why?
Raul, because he starts out being the bad guy and readers really didn’t like him because of what he did. But, there was a lot of hidden things in his story that came to light and redeemed him.

5) Was there a pivotal point or experience that impacted your decision to take writing seriously?
I’ve always known it was what I wanted to do, but taking a course from bestselling thriller author William Bernhardt really kicked my drive in gear.
6) What is your favorite part about being a writer?
The way everything in life inspires me and sparks stories.
7) What is the one thing you wish you knew at the beginning of your writing journey?
That the traditional publishing industry is so fickle and that agents aren’t the magic ticket everyone thinks they are.
8) Which book, other than your own, would you like to see turned into a movie or T.V. show?
With Shield, and Ink, and Bone by Casey L. Bond. It is AMAZING.
9) Where is your favorite place to read?
Beside a campfire while out camping.
10) If you could take one item out of any book that you have ever read, what would it be or why?
Can I pick the Bifrost? LOL! Because I could travel to Asgard!
11) Name one of your favorite authors.
Lizzy Gayle.
12) Do you own any interesting ‘bookish’ memorabilia or clothes?
I have a crocheted dragon that my aunt made for my Dragon Empire novel.

13) What is the name of your book/series? Tell me a little bit about them:
The Children of Fenrir series, the Shifter Seeker series, and the novels of Niflheim.
The Children of Fenrir and the Shifter Seeker spin-off series are about the descendants of the wolves of Odin, who are wolf shifters, and their struggle to keep their kind secret from the humans of Midgard.
The novels of Niflheim are about the changing attitude and culture of the races of dragons and the races of people and the clash between them that results.

14) Do you have a website? If so, what is it?
15) Where can we find and follow you? (Name your social media platforms.)
16) If there anything important that you would want my readers to know about you?
I love and appreciate all my readers. You inspire me to keep doing what I love, which is to entertain you with great stories. I’m big on engaging so when you follow me on social media platforms, I follow back.
